Wednesday, June 11, 2008

choosing a church

In different times of my life I've regularly attended a Catholic church, a non-denominational church, and a Nazarene church. In each I was faithful to the church in the best way I knew how whether that means going through sacraments like First Communion and First Reconciliation, being a member of the SALT team and going on mission trip, or helping out in ministry and being there for events. I haven't formally committed myself to any church through confirmation, membership, or whatever you do for non-denominational churches. I think one of the reasons for this is because I don't understand what it means to be apart of the church.

Some would say that doctrine is a good way to decide what church you should belong to. I don't give much faith to that idea. I have a few friends who are apart of churches in which they don't fully buy everything that the church says they believe in. Alec was telling me earlier that the Nazarene's especially are based on a movement and ideas that have become irrelevant if not obsolete nowadays. Yet the Nazarene church continues to exist because it is a network of believers who pursue community and do good works. I guess my belief is that doctrine is cheap and the real values of the church manifest themselves in the lives of the people. Besides if choosing a church was really a theological question, it seems like Jesus would have placed a greater emphasis on the importance of theology classes rather than minstry.

One of the reasons I left the Catholic Church in high school was because I didn't believe in the doctrine. Now that I am starting to question doctrine, and my ability to judge doctrine, I am starting to turn back to my catholic roots. If Alec continues to be Nazarene because he is Nazarene--socially not theologically--then maybe I should be Catholic. Or maybe I'm now a Nazarene. Hm, one reason I won't rely on Alec to tell me what I am, his reason doesn't work in my life. So where do I find myself? It is a social question more than anything. In the future where will I go? So far it seems that God has brought me to these churches and I've found myself there so I guess God will lead me where I should be.

As much as I can tell, the church acts justly, loves mercy, walks humbly, and says Christ is Lord. As I continue to move around in my life, I do not want the church to become a personality test in which I find the one that best fits me. Honestly I don't really want to choose a church; I want the church to choose me.

1 comment:

mhowden said...

I love all your thought provocing writing in your blogs, I think we will find the "perfect church" someday, but it won't matter then because we will be with the Lord