Sunday, May 18, 2008

God She's beautiful

So I was driving home today on the 205 and I was looking out at the rolling, golden hills thinking, "Man, that's so pretty. God created things so beautiful." Then I got a little annoyed with myself because it was a very cliche thing to think--and usually my thoughts are so original and inspiring, right? As if. Anyway, I thought about it a little more and maybe what's significant is not that God created things beautiful, but that God created beauty. Like God just created good things and they aren't really beautiful, they just are. What's cool is that we can appreciate beauty. And who knows really what beauty is or what makes things beautiful. (please don't try to explain it to me, because you can't- beauty's kinda like humor; it can't be logically explained and if it is its not funny/pretty anymore) What a gift though, huh? It seems like a pretty unnecessary thing though (according to Maslow), it doesn't really help us survive day to day. Yet it's beauty that reminds us of God's majesty so perhaps in that way it's very necessary. God reveals herself in Creation right? So we see in God's creation of beauty that God is not a God who perceives the world logically and advantageously. She is a God of beauty, reminding us that there is more to life than practicality and maybe there is no true life in strict practicality. God not only reigns, She reigns in glory. Alleluia.

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