Sunday, November 11, 2007

I will seek him and find him when I seek him with all my heart?

I remember during my senior year telling Sarah Burns and Vanessa Rude how excited I was to go to Point Loma soon. Then, I thought, I would be away from all the distractions and expectations I had at home and would be able to start over. I thought I'd be able to seek God more devotedly and leave all my hinderances at home. Unfortunately I brought myself with me, and here I am wondering if I've moved anywhere. There are still big questions, there are still boys, and there are still friendships I don't know what to do with. I don't know if I'm any closer to realizing God than I was two years ago, and that makes me lose hope.

What does it mean to seek God? How much does it have to do with ourselves?


nicolie said...

i love you and it does my heart good to hear yours. i'm praying for you girl! may Christ give you the ability to see things as He and His Father does. they're the ones who see us for who are where we're really at. keep your eyes fixed on Christ the AUTHOR and the FINISHER of your faith. love you tons! nicolie

Jeff said...

frankly, i think we're all glad you brought yourself with you. be at peace, sister. and go for a swim sometime.